the biolink

Caring for the Biolink

Sunshine Reserve located on the Mornington Peninsula is a unique bushland corridor (Biolink) to Mount Martha Park, Fairburn Reserve and surrounding areas. It runs inland for 3.8 kilometres from Port Phillip Bay with Sunshine Creek running through it. With key remnant areas, its conservation and habitat values are recognised as important reminders of original landscapes and how they once were.

Habitat Restoration

Habitat Restoration

Large Eucalypts, Blackwood and Black wattle once dominated as tall over story trees sheltering tree ferns, other ferns and herbs in damp woodland gullies, unusual so near the coast. Tipping the balance back to remnant bush, by removing weedy specimens, restores the habitat making room for the passage of fauna species and an increase in floral gene diversity.

Sunshine Reserve

Community Engagement

We provide valuable opportunities to learn about native bushland and its flora and fauna.

Our volunteers, members, partners and friends of Sunshine are key to the preservation of the Reserve and its future.

Sunshine Reserve Mount Martha


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Our Partners

We seek sponsorship and/or grants to augment Sunshine Reserve funds for funding suitable projects associated with the Reserve. We are grateful to our current partners.